
Craft: Making Stuff

I just started making my first pillows (at least the first ones that will be for sale). They are made out of a felt made from 100% certified recycled plastic PET bottles.

I made two test pillows for my own couch and should have perfect ones available for purchase on my site at the end of the week. I don't have a picture of my test pillows yet because my mom was visiting this weekend and we turned the couch into a bed. However, I do have a picture of my cat sitting all over my cutting and sewing tools. He sprawls out on anything I put on the bed like it's a special nest just for him - don't worry, he won't be touching any of the fabric used for the pillows I sell.


A Great Time for All

Thursday night we went to the Dave Hill Explosion at UCB Theater. It was one of the best shows I've seen on his and I've seen almost all of them since his first one in Siberia's basement (if you watch his "reel" you can even see me in the audience clapping back when I had my favorite haircut). His guests on this show were Amy Sedaris and Bob Mould. I freaking love Amy Sedaris so I was pretty psyched. Everyone was super funny and it was a good time. Afterwards we went to The Half King and ate a dish called Hell Fries, which were amazing. Piper ordered mac 'n cheese and it turned out to be a weird pasta dish we called "Nacho Mac 'n Cheese". It was soupy elbow noodles in a cheese sauce served with a dollop of sour cream and covered in scallions.

Funny-man Dave Hill



The great thing about being a morning person and having a boyfriend that likes to sleep in is that by the time he wakes up I've already claimed all the space in the apartment. I have a short attention span so, by having all my activities laid out within in reach, I can jump from one to another with ease.

Clockwise from center: Refurbishing a table found in the trash, fixing my website, sketching ideas for new screen prints, practicing BCCO concert music on my bass clarinet.


Guilty Pleasures

One of my many hobbies is drawing caricatures of Zach Braff. Not a common activity for a 28 year old woman, but extremely enjoyable nonetheless. I practiced last night while watching an episode of 90210 season 2. (Lucy Lui was in the episode playing a Peach Pit waitress named Courtney.) You may notice a Zach Braff with a hat - I call this one Ol' Grampa Braff. He's a hillbilly. FYI - it is really hard to draw Zach Braff from the front.



The wives of two of my friends (the "wives" are actually my friends Maria and Becca, but it's fun to call them wives) had a grand ol' surprise party for their husbands - the big 30 for both of them. Alex (one of the birthday boys) and Becca just moved to Pennsylvania so it was nice to have them back for the night. The best part was probably the abundance of Groucho Marx disguises so we could really surprise them when they walked into the room.