
Labor Day Weekend 2010

My sister, Ezra and Wesley came for a quick visit and we had a campfire in the backyard and hiked up Mt. Beacon. We had other visitors on Sunday night, but the camera didn't make it out - sorry Tim and Sabrina! We had another campfire and went on more walks.



Wicked Mint on Apartment Therapy

Got a nice mention on Apartment Therapy on August 18, 2010 as part of a round up of designers on Supermarket.  Of course my chair got more action in the comments than my pillows, but at least I got a bunch of orders.  Man, I wish I could make those chairs - I must receive at least one email a week asking if someone can buy it from me or find it in a store.


Still Looking to Give My Jewelry a New Home

I've been searching for a jewelry box forever.  I don't think I even have all that much jewelry, but what I have sits in 4 boxes and it's just annoying, isn't organized, and I hate having them stacked on my dresser looking like crap.  I thought about getting something like this, I thought of making something to mount on the wall, but none of it felt right.

Well, praise the jewelry universe because I just discovered what I've been looking for - vintage machinist chests.  Once used for tools and hardware they have lots of compartments and look pretty.

Now I just need to win an eBay auction...

$59.95 from

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My Best Friend's Wedding

This weekend Abe and I went to Kennebunkport, ME for Allyson and Mike's wedding.    Allyson and I have been best friends for 18 years and I've known Mike since they first started dating over 7 years ago.  I can't even begin to describe how beautiful the weekend was - both visually and emotionally. -Let's just say that this wedding was one of the best days of MY life.  I'll never forget it - we had soooooooo much fun!

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Glambert Nation

This weekend was a biggie - an Adam Lambert concert at Musikfest and Colleen's grown-up bridal shower.

I've been hearing about Musikfest, which takes place in Bethlehem, PA for as long as I've known Colleen - about 11 years.  This was my first trip to Musikfest and it did not disappoint.  Colleen, Kenny, Miles and I gripped our mugs of cold beer and attended the most glitter-filled concert I've ever attended.

Kenny wrote up a great review of the show and has video and photos over on the MOG site.


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