
Love is a Battlefield

Machines and I usually take a while to warm up to each other. They get pissed at me because I refuse to read directions and prefer the "try it and see if this is how you do it" method, which tends to beat them up a little at the beginning of a relationship. Eventually they learn that I'm pretty smart and if they just work with me a little bit it won't be that bad, right my little iBook? Look how much fun we have together, I even let you sleep in my bed sometimes and I buy you all sorts of fun things like that external hard drive you wanted so badly and more RAM.

But some machines just like to be difficult like Mr. Brother Surger (see above). Maybe he is holding in his emotions because he feels neglected after being left brand new and unused on my shelf for a year. Well, I'm sorry, I was scared of you! I didn't know what to make of all those spools and crazy person directions written on your body. Me and Sir Sewing Machine were very close back then and I wasn't ready to include you in my life.

Taken during a heating argument.

Whatever the case may be, me and Mr. BS are slowly warming up to each other and, like any new relationship, the first week was amazing...until he ran out of thread and I had to buy more. Turns out he doesn't take normal sized spools of surger thread. I don't know what kind he takes because I didn't ready his book. I think I finally figured it out, but now every time we try to get together the first hour is a frustrating battle trying to get him all set up. Last night I was trying to whip out some yoga mat bags and between the 100 degree heat and him snapping his thread every two seconds, I almost gave up.

Dr. Glue wasn't doing me any favors last night either.

I really hope we can work things out because I love the way he can finish an edge.


Renegade Craft Fair :: Brooklyn

This just in! There was a cancellation at this weekend's Renegade Craft Fair and I got picked off the waiting list!

June 14 + 15 from 11am - 7pm at the McCarren Park Pool in good ol' Williamsburg.

If you're in town stop by booth #132. It won't be as hot as the last few days and it will be A LOT of fun. I'm going to put a ton of stuff on sale so it will be worth the drive-by.



Ooh, I won!

I bid, but didn't even look to see that the auctions were over tonight. But I won both of them- and the price is right, only $4.24 and $10! Can't go wrong with that - and both are green, vintage, and require no batteries. One of them will have to go at some point, but I'll feel them both out first and then maybe one will go back on Ebay.


Wake Up!

I'm on the hunt for an alarm clock. I want to stop using my BlackBerry as a wake-up device because I feel like having it next to my bed is probably bad for my health (crazy cellular laser beams shooting into my brain) and bad just because I shouldn't be reading emails before I've even opened up both eyes.

I would also like something that doesn't need batteries/electricity (I'm so eco-friendly!), but I kind of want something with a light or with glow-in-the-dark hands & numbers. I used to have a baby blue one when I was a kid. I wish I kept that thing...I wonder if it is in my parents' attic somewhere.

Ebay is overwhelming. I really hate dealing with bid anxiety.

Like the look, but it's plastic.

Travel friendly.

Awesome, but not guaranteed to keep accurate time.

I'm into this one even though it might not glow in the dark.

LOVE this one, but it's more than I want to spend.


Just Blimping

I can see the Goodyear blimp in the sky from my office window. Blimps are kind of awesome.