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Project To-Do: Chain Chandelier

I know it's offensive and annoying when you create a piece of art or design a product to sell and someone sees it and says "Ooooh, I want to make that too!"   I know because it happens to me whenever I do a craft fair.  And you know what, I bet most of those people never make a pillow and end up buying one from Target a couple weeks later. 

Buuuut, I am guilty of also being one of those people that sees something awesome and/or useful and says "I can make that myself!"*  Sorry, it's the crafter in me, I can't control the urge.

That is the case of this amazing Pendant light from Floto + Warner that I found on Refinery 29.   The public seems to have mixed reviews, but this is one of the most beautiful light fixtures I have ever seen.

I also think that it would be even more beautiful if it was made from the my own old/found chains and necklaces.  So, hats off to Floto + Warner for your amazing creation and thank you for the inspiration!  However, this is being filed in Projects To-Do. 

* I'd say 90% of the time I don't have time to make it myself and either buy the original or, I never aquire that item because I can't get past paying for something I can make myself.

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