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5 Years

This weekend I had some gal friends up to Beacon for a movie-watching slumber party.  We ended up watching football (yay, Seahawks!) and playing board games and eating A LOT of food.  We also previewed Lauren's movie, SMILE, that she is just wrapping up and entering into festivals.  We watched it twice because it is that good.

On Sunday afternoon Abe and I celebrated our 5 year dating anniversary by taking Lily for a walk and ordering Japanese food (we had already eaten brunch at Max's.).  I can't believe we've been together for 5 years - it's kind of nuts.  Paws was only 4 years old when we met and now he's a grumpy old man!  I'm so excited to marry him (Abe, not Paws) in just a few months eeeek! 


Reader Comments (1)

You guys are so cute!! Congratulations on five years! Btw, I love your town, it's so cute!

January 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaelyn

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