A Camping We Will Go

Our friends (and owners of Lily's best dog friend) are having a baby in a few months so we decided to squeeze in a weekend camping trip before their lives change forever. We had to put in a little research to find a dog friendly campground reservation between us in New York and our friends in Washington D.C., but luckily Pennslyvania State Parks has a really great website that makes the job easier.
We saw hot air balloon races as we left the Hudson Valley.
We spent hours watching the dogs play, chasing Lily around the campground after she chewed through her leash (three times!), and cooking really delicious dinners over an open fire.
Adam shows off his nighttime tent toilet.
Ohhh those poor dogs have such a hard life! Poor neglected babies.
On our way back to New York we made a pitstop at Becca and Alex's house in Pennsylvania. We saw them at our wedding, but hadn't seen their kids in over a year! They were a little weary of bouncy Lily when we arrived, but by the end of the visit they were helping me walk her around the yard and giving her commands.
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